This month marks the 10 year publication anniversary of Vacation Hiro! Hiro thinks this means she should get all the treats and only be touched by Daddy, but that just sounds like every normal day of her life. At 17, Hiro is the only one of the original four who is still with us, so we will celebrate her however she jolly well chooses. You can celebrate by picking up a copy of her story!
Happy Book Anniversary, Hiro!!
I ran across a post on Facebook from November of 2011, when we were on holiday in Cocoa Beach, Florida, before I'd even published Why Kimba Saved The World. My head was already spinning with what else could happen to those feline characters.
"Second book is writing itself while we are here. The first thing we saw off the balcony was a cat sitting on the sidewalk. Agents have followed us to track us on vacation. Soon there were four. One for each of us. They have been named and are gaining a backstory. Taking me on vacation where I have nothing else to think about can be dangerous and highly productive."
All of that made it into Vacation Hiro, though the journey to publication took a couple more years. Writers are always writing (mentally, at least).
Personally, I feel like I've celebrated both Kimba and Hiro's books' 10 year anniversaries this year by publishing Book 6 in the series: Snickerdoodle's Shenanigans. It may be the last one. At least for a while. But you never know when inspiration will strike!