Monday, November 30, 2020

Holiday Paperback Sales

It's that time of year again for discounts on my back stock of paperbacks. This year is a bit different, however. I got all loaded up for spring events and, well, none of them happened. Or the summer ones. Or the fall ones. I only did a couple of very small events during the whole year put together. SO! That means I have a back stock on most of my titles and have put them on deep discount. Hopefully, there will be safe spring events in the future, but for today, everything must go. 

Here's the biggest deals:

Tap on the image or go to my website to take advantage of these discounts. Individual paperbacks are also on sale ranging from $7 to $9 for my children's books. At the Corner of Magnetic and Main is only $11 as well. I'm still more than happy to autograph and personalize them for anyone you wish. 

The Tigran Chronicles is not discounted because I only have four copies left in stock. I'll have more in the future, but not in time for the holidays, so grab 'em while you can. 

These prices are only on my personal inventory, not at any other website. At this point, I do not anticipate any discounts on ebooks.  

I hope you are all staying safe and continuing to be careful. There's a promise of a return to normal on the horizon. Until then, snuggle down with a good book, or two.