My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Shojai's new book is a thorough and comprehensive look at cats of all shapes and sizes--sometimes even a bit more than tenderhearted cat lovers may want to know about the mistreatment of their feline friends over the centuries. Humans are a cruel, cruel, superstitious bunch. There are beautiful illustrations, and this book could genuinely be called "Everything You Wanted To Know About Cats But Didn't Even Know To Ask." There is history, information on different breeds, and more details about cats than even I knew (and that's saying something because I'm an ailurophile extraordinaire).
If you are also a feline loving human, I highly recommend this book celebrating cats. I'll leave you with my favorite line: "Their knowing attitude and aura of eternal agelessness are constant reminders that cats spring from the mystic beginnings of time itself. It's a fact kitty will never let us forget." (p. 15)
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