Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Self-Publishing Journey

At the fantastic Ozark Writers League conference on Saturday, I was part of a panel of self-publishing authors. We shared some basic information on how we go about the process and what we have learned. I actually wrote an entire blog series on my own self-publishing experiences over the winter of 2015. It is still posted at my old blog at my website, but for ease of reading and following (and as promised), I will post the whole thing here with weekly links so those interested can read about what I have learned so far as a self-publishing author.

Week 1: Introduction

Week 2: Write the best book possible

Week 3: Set your goals and expectations

Week 4: Publish your book like a professional

Week 5: Where to publish

Week 6: Live events & blog tours

Week 7: Book release and production scheduling

Week 8: Freebies, discount promotions, and KDP

Week 9: Wrap up to the series (bookstores, awards, and series writing)

The journey has certainly continued since then, but I think this series is still inclusive of the lessons I've learned as a whole.

I'd love to hear your thoughts or additions in the comments section so everyone can benefit from what you have learned as well.

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