Monday, January 11, 2016


Winter has certainly come to Arkansas with a mighty force. We rarely see temperatures get this far below freezing, and I hope it doesn't keep up for long.

Fortunately, my work doesn't require me to go out in the cold much. As long as the internet and power keep working, I'm in business. Editing projects with Pen-L keep me busy, and I'm working on final edits on my own middle-grade book, The Brave, Frail, and Delicate Princess. I need to get that one tucked in and submissions sent out before Slinky Steps Out comes back from the editor and is ready for formatting. Then it will be full speed ahead on Slinky to get it ready to publish before my spring events.

"Publish my book, already!"

On January 21st, I will be speaking about "Running With Inspiration" to the birthday luncheon group of OLLI in Fayetteville. This is a new group for me, but I have it on good authority that they are all wonderful and will be nice. Writers usually are!

On February 6th, I'll be participating in the Kimberling Library Author Event for the second time. It's not a big turnout, but those who come are very supportive and grateful we are there. Besides, all my author friends in the area will be there. It's like a big party with books!

And on February 20th, I'll be attending the Houston Authors Bash at the Harmony Science Academy in Katy, Texas. Normally, that would be a bit far for me to go for an event, but my mom and other family are still in the area. It's a chance to visit and sell some books along the way.

I'm sure I'll be blogging about these events as I go. And updates on Slinky Steps Out will be coming in the weeks ahead. Almost time to design the cover. That's when it gets real.

I should also give a shout-out to a wonderful book series I just started. After I read (and loved) Thaddeus Whiskers and the Dragon, I decided to check out her dragon series as well. Not disappointed, and you can get a copy for only 99 cents right now.

Try to stay warm, friends. Build a fire and enjoy a good book. Around here, at least, winter only lasts a few weeks.

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